All-New Tempo For Detailed Mine Planning Released

Minemax News

Minemax is pleased to announce the release of the all-new Tempo for developing practical detailed plans. Tempo has been redesigned based on extensive industry collaboration to address the challenges of translating strategic plans into operational plans.

“We’ve talked to many mine planners out there who put a lot of effort into developing high-value strategic mine plans, but face difficulties transforming them into workable detailed mine plans. The new Tempo is here to bridge this gap and improve collaboration between both levels of mine planning,” explains Jim Butler, Minemax CEO.

With Tempo, planners can develop practical plans that align with their strategic plan. Outputs from any strategic scheduling software can guide detailed planning in Tempo. For Minemax Scheduler users, there is the added benefit of the effortless Scheduler–Tempo integration.

Tempo can also be used as a standalone tool for creating optimal detailed plans respecting mining, processing and trucking constraints. The interactive user interface and guided workflows make it easy to set up models for both block- and polygon-based schedules.

Tempo incorporates multiple scheduling technologies including the very fast Bienstock–Zuckerberg (BZ) algorithm and the same 20-year industry-proven MILP optimization technology found in Minemax Scheduler.

For more details on the new Tempo, download the Tempo demo with a short tutorial.

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