Strategic planning or operational scheduling.

New projects or existing ones. Metals or coal. Our suite of mine planning and scheduling software simplifies optimizing your strategy, streamlining operations and maximizing business value.

Our mine planning and scheduling software helps
you manage the complexity of:

  • Optimizing and integrating strategic and operational plans
  • Translating strategic plans into optimal operational plans in a collaborative environment
  • Configuring mine planning processes to align with business objectives
  • Managing day-to-day scheduling and ensuring mining production meets targets
  • Providing a consistent feed of product to the process plant or downstream logistics
  • Refining operational plans while maintaining mine plan compliance and strategic value.

Product Range


Minemax Scheduler

  • Integrated strategic mine scheduling
  • NPV schedule optimization
  • Capex optimization
  • Waste dump scheduling

Ideal for developing and updating strategic plans

With Minemax Scheduler, you can optimize all aspects of strategic mine scheduling in one go, maximizing the value of your operation while meeting all constraints. It simultaneously optimizes your mine schedule, trucking, waste dump sequence, cut-off and cut-over grades, material destinations and capex.

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  • Detailed open pit mine planning
  • Block- or polygon-level of detail
  • Integrated haulage and detailed waste dump scheduling
  • MILP and BZ scheduling options

Ideal for developing and updating detailed mine plans that follow strategic plans

Tempo, our detailed open pit mine planning software, enables you to quickly generate detailed block-based and polygon-based schedules from your strategic plan.

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Not sure which solution you need?

We can help. Contact us for some impartial advice on which product, edition and pricing option is right for your mining business.

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Allow our mining consultants to show you how our software can add value to your business. Get in touch to arrange a free onsite or online demonstration.

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You can read all about our mine planning software, as well as our mining software training and consulting services, right here on our website. But if you have any questions, we’re here to help.

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