Advance, Rewind, and Solve with Sliding Windows!

Minemax News

Solve infeasible windows with ease!

Scheduler 7.6.0 is coming soon with Sliding Window Rewind and Advanced Options. Experience a new level of efficiency and flexibility with iterative walk-back and advanced features in sliding window strategy.


Sliding Window Rewind

Enabling rewind will allow the optimizer to dynamically adjust window sizes to solve challenging periods in the schedule.


The optimization process begins with the standard window size. If a feasible solution cannot be found within the window, it automatically rewinds by expanding backwards based on the step size. It iteratively rewinds and expands until it either finds a solution or reaches the maximum window size. Once a solution is found, the optimizer gradually unwinds based on the step size until it returns to the original window where it initially failed to find a solution.

Advanced Sliding Window

For those wanting more control, you can define distinct sliding window parameters and tolerances for various schedule segments. Optimize with larger windows and tighter tolerances during the initial phases. Use shorter windows with broader tolerances for later periods, especially when faced with uncertainties regarding mining areas and processing options. This feature is particularly valuable if you have quarterly periods followed by years, as it allows you to apply a larger window over the quarterly periods.


Read Scheduler 7.6.0 pre-release announcement for more features included in this release.

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