Targeted and “Unlimited” Expansion Features in Capital Expenditure

Minemax News

Scheduler 7.6.0 has significant upgrades in capital expenditure definition to provide better control over the expansion of maximum constraints.


CAPEX Expansion Directions

The CAPEX expansion currently applies to all associated maximum constraints. If a process or location has multiple constraints with different directions, they all expand by the same amount.

You will be able to specify which maximum constraint(s) to expand in the upcoming version. This level of control ensures expansions are targeting specific constraints that require adjustment, giving you more flexibility and accuracy in optimizing your processes.


CAPEX “Unlimited” Expansion

You will also be able to set expansions to “unlimited” instead of using large arbitrary numbers to simulate the removal of maximum constraints. This capability enables capital expenditures aimed at exploring the feasibility of opening new mining areas.


Read Scheduler 7.6.0 pre-release announcement for other features in the upcoming version.


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