Improving Pit Optimization with Bearing-Based Slopes

Minemax News

We are pleased to announce the release of Minemax Planner 4.1.2 with Bearing-Based Interpolated Slopes.

With this new feature you will be able to define slope angles for specific bearings using geometry sub-regions or attribute sub-regions, improving the accuracy of the slope pit design during your pit optimization. This improvement is part of the easy-to-use ultimate pit workflow, so it takes only seconds to set it up and get on with your optimization.


On the set slopes screen, you can add an unlimited number of bearings with specific slope angles. You can also set up slope angles for only a few bearings, and let Minemax Planner interpolate slope angles for the unspecified bearing ranges between 0-360 degrees.

You can set up bearing-based slopes for specific geometry sub-regions or attribute sub-regions (grades, rock types, etc.), which gives you a very flexible solution to address complex mine design requirements and geotechnical issues in your pit slope design.

Minemax Planner 4.1.2 is available for download for all maintained users.

Discover how your pit optimization can benefit from more accurate slope design by trying the Minemax Planner Demo.

If you’re not familiar with Minemax Planner, the demo will show you how fast and easy it is to develop optimal strategies from a block model through pit optimization, nested shells and pushbacks to NPV schedule optimization. The demo will also take you through the risk analysis workflow that allows you to account for financial and grade uncertainties associated with your mine plans.

Still have questions? Contact us to discuss your situation in more detail.

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